What an absolute pig’s ear Mrs May made of seeking a stronger mandate – her manifesto was doomed from the day it was printed and it felt to me as if those who were advising her were infiltrators from the far left. She went from hero to zero in the space of a month.
By contrast, the so called Labour Party ran a well organised, well oiled campaign, albeit promising everything this country cannot afford to those that don’t deserve it. In particular they hoodwinked the students into voting for them and ultimately Marxism. Corbyn is without doubt a very clever operator, having spent the whole of his life supporting every outrageous and dangerous regime imaginable.
He is thinking ahead and already targeting the next wave of potential voters by suggesting that all 16 year olds in work of any sort be paid a minimum of £10 per hour. The Tory party must wake up and get down and dirty or economically this great country could be on the scrap heap of immense union power, flying pickets and the wealthy taxed into oblivion or exile. It does not bear thinking about.
How thick can our current crop of students be, when they all ran to the Red Flag on the promise of free university places. This does just emphasise the low quality of swathes of students entering further education and probably to the detriment of the able ones with actual aspirations. The current student loan debt to the taxpayer is £10 billion, and when you realise that only about 75% of former students have gained a salary of over £22,500 which triggers the repayment process of their loan, it is plain to see that university was a complete waste of time for many and for the country. For many their only aspiration is getting bladdered at the May Ball.
I tried on three occasions to speak to my own MP and Conservative campaign headquarters to explain to them that the defence of their record in power was non existent and their attack on the promises made by Corbyn and co was equally pathetic. There is obviously a lot of arrogance and internal strife within the Tory party and unless somebody shakes the whole lot into a cohesive unit, conservatism will soon be on the scrap heap. I have some suggestions which might prove useful:
- 1. draw up a graph showing the amount of national debt accrued at the end of each Labour administration over the last 80 years;
- 2. depict in vivid colours that the above has required the Tories to be austere when in power;
- 3. ban postal voting for the able and those living abroad;
- 4. remind potential students that one can actually earn £60,000 for driving a train four days a week;
- 5. remind the tax payer that the unions don’t think that £60,000 is a fair reward for pushing a lever forwards and backwards;
- 6. listen to the people and even seek their opinions;
- 7. deport Laura Kuennsberg;
- 8. make all decisions within cabinet;
- 9. return to Tory principles; and
- 10. hold the next election in July or August, when students are in Ibiza and Magaluf topping up their dead brain cells.
If we let lunatics Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott into Downing Street, this country will become an asylum and we will be the inmates.
Getting back to normality, here’s some positive news. The sheep trade during the last two months has been fantastic. Not in living memory do I recall hoggets reaching £120 to £130 for the best continentals, and when did we last see milk lambs consistently beating the £100 mark in late June? This has happened for three reasons. A low pound, a shortage of New Zealand lamb and finally the positive influence played by the auction system. Without live markets, sheep would undoubtedly be £10 to £20 a head lower. Do not let the supermarkets and the abattoirs that supply them do to the sheep industry that which they have done to cattle feeders and cattle markets. A lack of choice is no choice.
On my own farming front, grass is very scarce on the chalk, couples are struggling a little, while my ewe tegs – Suffolk cross Mules, Texel cross Kents and pure Kents are holding up well. Management tells me a decent breeding sheep trade is much predicted this autumn and management also tells me our bank account could do with a boost!
Have a successful harvest whatever your agricultural enterprise might be.