The winner of the prestigious Princess Royal Award was announced as Barry Wilson in a formal presentation by Her Royal Highness at Buckingham Palace.

Awarded each year for an outstanding lifetime contribution to the dairy sector, Barry Wilson was unanimously chosen as this year’s winner by the RABDF board of trustees due to his unique insight into dairy politics over the past 40 years.

RABDF president, Lord Curry said Barry had been an outstanding observer and commentator on the British dairy scene for almost half a century.

“For the past 20 years or so he has written and published the fortnightly Dairy Industry Newsletter which is essential reading for anyone interested in the machinations of how the global dairy scene operates.

“He has also been very involved with the British Dairying magazine turning his thoughts into issues that dairy farmers need to consider.”

The Princess Royal Award is run by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, presented each year it has been awarded to many industry influencers since its establishment in 1991. More recent years have seen names such as Ian Potter, Dr Dick Esslemont and John Alvis win the award for their exceptional contribution to dairying.

Further information and a full list of winners are available at