LEAF Open Farm Sunday have consulted widely with our host farmers, sponsors and supporters and, while there is the drive and enthusiasm to share our farming story with the public, there continues to be many concerns regarding hosting on-farm visits this year due to the continuing Covid-19 situation.
After much careful consideration, taking into account farmer feedback and using other similar events and shows as guidance, the decision was taken to cancel all face to face on-farm LEAF Open Farm Sunday events this September. The public will be welcomed back on farm next year on Sunday 13 June 2021.
Following the huge success of LEAF Online Farm Sunday this June, plans are being made to promote more virtual farm tours during the weekend of 20 September 2020. This will be an exciting opportunity to showcase the tail end of harvest, drilling and autumn calving alongside many other aspects of farm life which the public may never get the chance to see.
Big thanks to the LOFS sponsors for their understanding and continued support to showcase the best of British farming to the public across the UK and further afield. The 2020 LOFS sponsors are: AHDB, Arla Foods, Asda, BASF, Co-op, Defra, Farmers Weekly, Frontier Agriculture, John Deere, Kelloggs, LEAF Marque, NFU, Sainsburys, Tesco and Waitrose.