The Council members of the Heathfield & District Agricultural Show Society have unanimously decided, after much discussion, and with much regret, to cancel the Heathfield Show scheduled for 29 May 2021. This is due to the uncertainties surrounding the organisation of an event whilst the Coronavirus (Covid-19) may still be active in the community. Normally, at this time of year, the organisation of the annual May event would be in full flow and commitments to suppliers, trade stands, exhibitors and stakeholders would be taking place.

The Show Council are concerned that if they proceed with the preparations for a May 2021 Show they could well be incurring unnecessary and unrecoverable costs. This would have a considerable impact on the Show Society reserves. Council members are focused and committed to the future health and stability of the Show and believe it would be irresponsible not to cancel the May event in 2021.

The Chairman and Show Council wished to thank the Heathfield & District Agricultural Society members and supporters for all the positive support they have received since the May event in 2020 when the Show had to be cancelled. The Show Council hope that the Show will be well supported in the future and look forward to putting on a full programme of events again in 2022 in order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Heathfield Show.

Please contact the Show Secretary for further information.