Crop production specialists Hutchinsons has launched a major upgrade to its Omnia Digital Farming system, creating the next generation in farm management software for British agronomists and farmers, according to Hutchinsons Head of Omnia, Oliver Wood.

This announcement represents a major digital leap forward in crop production which confirms Omnia as the most advanced and easy-to-use farm management system available.

The EasyPlan upgrade offers a set of exciting developments within Omnia, allowing for paperless record keeping and work management, setting a new standard for farm management technology in the UK.

It’s a British system for British farmers and one not currently offered by any other precision software provider.

Since its launch as a precision mapping system eight years ago, Omnia has evolved into a broader digital farming system offering a range of valuable and user-friendly business modules.

With its user-friendly interface and unparalleled functionality, the EasyPlan upgrade takes this one step further and underlines Hutchinsons’ focus on innovation and excellence and unwavering commitment and vision for Omnia.

What more does Omnia offer with the EasyPlan Upgrade?

1. Field Diary module:

A significant extension of current Field Diary information into a fully comprehensive farm management system.

Previously, farm records such as field inspections could be held in the Omnia Field Diary, but it was not possible to record live operations or manage work orders as they happened. It is now possible to plan and record all live field operations digitally, from rolling through to spraying, with the new task management functionality. With a calendar view for task planning, multiple plans can be combined into a single task which can be logged in a specific area for operators to access.

As with previous Omnia functionality, this is compatible with the most popular machines and platforms and it can be accessed online from any device (although those who want to run a paper-based system can still do so). These field records are then automatically shown within the existing Production module, to allow complete gross margin analysis.

2. Stock management

The addition of real-time stock management.

The upgraded module allows for a real-time, feature rich, stock management system for keeping track of orders and physical inventory based on what is actually being used.

3. Spray Plan module

A new module which allows users to create spray plans which are then audited by Hutchinsons bespoke HALO crop protection database.

Agronomists and BASIS-registered farmers can now write their own spray recommendations. The new HALO database on which the Spray Plan module is based uses the industry standard regulatory data as its core, checked and enhanced daily by Hutchinsons’ in-house technical experts to ensure regulatory compliance.

The Omnia Scout app will be upgraded this summer to bring some of this new functionality into farmers’ pockets. The update will allow operators to view and complete tasks in the field, along with providing an interactive tank mix tool for spray plans to help operators with product and water requirements. The Omnia Scout app is available for both Android and iOS devices.


Data security and governance has also been a major focus of the upgrade, Gordon McKechnie, Hutchinsons managing director, explained. 

Significantly, Omnia is now the first system ever with both an ISO 27001 ‘Information Security Management’ and ‘Farm Data Principles’ certifications – the belt and braces of data security.

These two schemes are evidence of the robust policies and procedures followed by Hutchinsons to govern and protect data and give users full control over access to their data and account security. New functionality provides the ability to manage access and permissions for others on the account, such as farm staff.

To find out more visit Hutchinsons at the Cereals event on 11-12 June at Newnham Farm, Hertfordshire.